unknown arts
Alien illustration small-business design


  1. 1 How does artwork need to be formatted?

    For the most part, we can help format your finished artwork properly and get it ready for printing. However, if you are creating your own artwork and want to do it yourself, here's what you need to know:

    Your artwork will eventually need to be a vector or raster (bitmap) image before it prints.

    Vector (.ai .eps .svg)

    • Fonts must be converted to outlines or font files must be included.
    • Linked images in the file must be included or converted to shapes.

    Raster/bitmap (.psd .jpg .tiff .bmp)

    • The image size should be the actual size you want it to appear on the garment. Typical sizes are 4" x 4" for smaller designs (such as a left chest or pocket print) and 9-10" wide for a standard center chest print.
    • The image resolution should be 300+ dpi.
    • If sending an Adobe Photoshop file (.psd), please rasterize all text (or include font files) and separate colors by layers or channels.
  2. 2 Do you print samples or orders under a dozen?

    While we can (and do) print low quantity runs and samples for clients, pricing usually becomes unfavorable at those levels. Our pricing increases for smaller orders because it has a negative affect on our efficiency since more time is spent setting up the job than actually printing it. Contact us for pricing on orders under a dozen.

  3. 3 How should I send artwork to you?

    If you are ready to send us your artwork, there are a number of ways to get it to us:

    • We can accept email attachments at info@unknownartstudio.com up to 25 MB.
    • If your file(s) are larger than 25 MB you can use a third party service to transfer files to us. Here are a few we've used: Transfer Big Files, YouSendIt, DropSend.
    • Share it with us on Dropbox: info@unknownartstudio.com
    • Or just bring it in!
  4. 4 What garment brands do you carry?

    Pretty much any major garment brand you can think of. Some clients have requested obscure brands that we haven't carried and we sought out distributors for them. So if we don't carry the garment you want, chances are we can find it.

  5. 5 Will you print on garments/fabric I provide?

    Preferably no but exceptions have been made and it is on a case by case basis.

  6. 6 What if my artwork is more than 6 colors?

    We may still be able to print it for you. Depending on the design, we have some technical ways to combine and/or remove colors while still keeping it looking good. Send us your artwork and we can help you with this.

  7. 7 Do you use PMS (Pantone Matching System) colors?

    Yes, we are happy to match any PMS colors your designs need.

  8. 8 Do you print over seams?

    Generally, yes. However, printing over seams is a challenge and can give unexpected results. Consistency may become an issue as garments can experience an uneven ink deposit on seams, which is unpreventable.

  9. 9 When can I expect my prints?

    Two (2) weeks

  10. 10 Do you print posters?

    No, we do not offer any sort of paper/flatstock printing.

  11. 11 What forms of payment do you accept?

    Full payment must be received before pickup or shipment. A deposit of half (½) the total order price is required before printing unless you are supplying your own garments. We accept several payment methods:

    • Credit Card (Visa/MasterCard)
    • PayPal
    • Checks (personal/business)
    • Cash

    Please inquire about other payment methods.